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Business Ecosystem Orchestrator

It is a delight to see yet another recent example of the big players catching on to the role of "business ecosystem orchestrator." A 2018 contribution from Deloitte is here...

Although business ecosystems were shaped by the great management gurus in the past (James Moore in 1996, John Hagel 111 in 2002 and Iansity and Levien two years later in their classic publications) no effort seems to have been made to define the role "Business Ecosystem Orchestrator (BEO)" until, that is, I and 15 colleagues united in 2010 in a common endeavour to tackle that challenge: see here...

I published the resulting definition in Wikipedia (It remained 7 days before the scouts removed it!) It went something like the following - quite long, but useful for you to get a feel for the challenge the role represents.

A "business ecosystem orchestrator" is a person who helps catalyze organizations and networks to envision new possibilities, find and expand their unique "sweet spot" in order that constituent companies compete to unite disparate contributors to create powerful total solutions or experiences.

He / she ensures the system is well nourished and fertilized so that individual people are honoured for their respective contributions and feel confident in adapting existing role plays or adopting new ones in serving the whole.

The key quality of an orchestrator and more so a choreographer is to be continually open to others, fearless of others, emotionally detached personally from outcome in being of service to others, and free of ego. He / she cultivates new ways of leading and managing to achieve this state of being, moving from a top-down hierarchical organization mind set to one of self-organization.

VES is uniquely placed to complement the BEO role for those who aspire to adopt it.

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